Saturday, February 21, 2009


Another one of my favorite subjects to photograph are fish. They have such a wide variety of colors that are amazing. Click on the pictures for amazing details.

This one is my favorite. Its a blowfish.

The colors on this one are so cool, its almost like he is glowing.

This one's face reflected that beautiful blue color

This fish looked so sad, but he was so beautiful.

I loved the lips on this fish!!

beach photos

These were taken when my husband and I (and a couple friends) went to the Outer Banks for a marathon.

This was taken from the top of Jockey's Ridge.

This is a cool tree canopy that was at the enterence to Jockey's Ridge.

I take very few pictures of sunrises, simply because I cant get up in time to see them. This was taken the morning of the marathon, from the porch of the house.

This was at mile four or five of the marathon.

This was at mile 18 or so. It was taken right beside a gas station. Just goes to show you that you can capture beautiful moments in the oddest places.

Im not sure what this is, but I thought it was beautiful. I took this when I got lost on the way to the finish line.

I thought this was adorable. A big dog and little dog pawprint. We didnt bring our dogs on this trip, and this made me miss them.


I love the way the sun is poking through the clouds.

On a trip home from the Outerbanks, we crossed this river at sunset.

This is the sunset we had the day it snowed.

This was taken a little later than the previous photo.

First Photos!

This is Ziggy, my Dalmatian. She is 13! We had a big snow a couple weeks ago and she had a blast running around in it.

This is my dog Mr. Otis, the Basset Hound. He loves to swim, and this was taken during a fun trip to Falls Lake.

I was lucky to catch this one. It was a full rainbow, but I was too close to capture the whole thing. It lasted for about 15 mintues. It was the most vivid rainbow I'd even seen.

I live at the top of my neighborhood, and Im able to capture alot of beautiful sunsets through the 2nd floor window.

Welcome to the Spotted Dog Photography blog

Welcome! Ive been taking photos for a long time and I finally decided to share some of them. I collect so many on my computer, and they seem to stay there without ever being seen. Most of my photos are of nature and animals. I have an interest in flowers and love taking photos that show their detail. I also love taking pictures of my dogs, a Basset Hound and a Dalmatian, hence the name Spotted Dog Photography.